
If I Were a Lich, Man: 3 Jewish Games by Lucian Kahn

Created by Hit Point Press

A trilogy of funny Jewish roleplaying games about creative resistance against authoritarianism.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Smoke Tests are out! + Backerkit Guide
almost 2 years ago – Tue, Mar 28, 2023 at 08:41:17 AM

Hey backers!

We’re happy to share that the smoke tests have been sent out! Only 5% of backers will receive a smoke test, so if you don’t receive one during this process, your survey will go out with the rest of the backers once we’ve confirmed everything is working as expected!

So if everything went perfectly with the smoke test we’ll send the rest of the surveys tomorrow!

When the surveys go out, we ask that you complete it as soon as possible so we can make our orders with our production partners. We’re looking to get 80% of the surveys filled before mass production starts.

We’ve included a guide to help you complete your surveys below a quick update on some digital releases.

BackerKit Survey Guide

1) Select your country for shipping and click "Get Started". If you would like to upgrade to a higher pledge tier, locate the link under the "Get Started" button and click that instead. Please note that if you switch pledge levels, add-ons selected on Kickstarter will not be automatically applied to BackerKit.

2) Please read the question prompts and proceed into the BackerKit "store" (Add-Ons section).

3) Once in the store, you’ll see a list of the items included in your Kickstarter pledge on the right side of the page. On the left, you’ll see the options for add-ons!

4) Once you've selected all the items you want, click "Next".

5) Enter your shipping address and click "Next".

6) Confirm the provided information is correct, provide a payment method, and click "Confirm"

Please note: Due to limitations using PayPal, it is not currently enabled as a payment option for this project. We are looking at making it available closer to when we’re charging cards for outstanding balances due to add-ons and shipping costs. Backers who intend to use PayPal as their payment method should be able to complete their surveys then.

Surveys and addresses will be locked closer to fulfillment so you’ll be able to make changes even after submitting your survey until we let you know otherwise! Payment for outstanding balances and shipping will be collected at a later date.

Commonly Asked Questions on BackerKit Surveys

Can I upgrade my pledge through the survey?

Yes! When you get your survey hit the button below "Get Started". This will enable you to up your pledge tier in case you've decided you want a different deal!

My payment didn’t go through and I was dropped from the Kickstarter. What do I do?

Don’t panic! You should still receive the BackerKit survey and you’ll be able to pay for your pledge there.

I missed the campaign. When will preorders be open?

We're accepting pre-orders!

Check out the Backerkit pre-order store!

Orders placed here are considered BackerKit preorders, not Kickstarter pledges, and will ship after we fulfill backer rewards.

NEW ADD-ONS - Visigoths vs Mall Goths and Dead Friend by Lucian Kahn

Visigoths vs Mall Goths now back in print, and check out that exclusive new cover for Dead Friend!

If you didn't catch it in the last update: We're excited to announce that we're working with Lucian to produce a new print run of the award winning games Visigoths vs Mall Goths and Dead Friend! These titles will be available to preorder when you get your BackerKit surveys.


Projects We Love: Guns Blazing! 

Guns Blazing! is a roleplaying game about revolutionaries and freedom fighters at the dusk of the colonial age.

The game runs on an original engine, called Ahadi, styled loosely on Genesys and Storyteller. Characters engage in brutal, tactical gunfights against monstrous foes, where goals are clear, the enemy is obvious, and you can measure success in spent bullets and bodies.

Check it out!


Don't Miss Out! Big Bads 


We’ve got an important mission for you recruits. Sentient ooze mob boss King Blrrk is on the loose and they’ve gathered a gallery of rogues to cause mischief and mayhem. You better get out there and stop the blob's slimy reign of terror before they get all the Big Bads in their corner. And remember: leave the heroics to the good guys.

Big Bads is a two-volume collection of the biggest, baddest bosses, monsters and magic items for 5e.

Build a campaign or run a one-shot around these thrilling villains. With 25+ fully fleshed-out villains, their motivations, minions, and over 100 more monsters and magic items, Big Bads has all the challenges you'll ever need.

Recommended for fans of The X-Files, Hellboy, and Grimms' Fairy Tales.

Check it out!

Have questions? Reach out!

Leave a comment or e-mail us at [email protected]!


Hit Point Press

Campaign End + New Add-Ons + What's Next + Backerkit Pre-Orders!
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Mar 09, 2023 at 12:01:35 PM

If I Were A Lich, Man Campaign has Ended! Thank you for your support!

We’re so grateful to our backers, contributors, and colleagues who helped make this campaign a success!

Thank you all so much for your support and enthusiasm for If I Were A Lich, Man!

From Lucian: I’m thrilled that so many of you are about to play these games and spin these dreidels! As a creator who started out in the indie design space, I also thank you for supporting Hit Point Press’ new Luminary Grant to fund independent TTRPG zines. Happy belated Purim!

What’s Next?

  • Kickstarter processes pledges

Kickstarter is going to begin to process payments for this campaign and the process can take anywhere from 2-3 weeks. When we get confirmation from them that this step is complete, we’ll send out BackerKit surveys!

  • BackerKit surveys go out!

Surveys will then be sent out to collect your shipping details along with your pledge and add-ons. You'll be able to upgrade your pledge or add additional add-ons with the survey as well! As we get closer to releasing surveys, we will have information on how to fill out your survey, as well as specifics for choosing your add-ons. We ask that you hold your BackerKit questions until then! Surveys will be open until we start fulfilling, but to guarantee your order we suggest filling out the survey as soon as possible.

Did you or a friend miss out on backing the campaign? It’s not too late!

We're accepting pre-orders!

Check out the Backerkit pre-order store!


NEW ADD-ONS - Visigoths vs Mall Goths and Dead Friend by Lucian Kahn

Two more award winning games by Lucian Kahn will be available to preorder in Backerkit!

We're excited to announce that we're working with Lucian to produce a new print run of the award winning games Visigoths vs Mall Goths and Dead Friend! These titles will be available to preorder when we send out your backerkit surveys.

Visigoths vs Mall Goths

Visigoths vs. Mall Goths is a roleplaying game and dating sim about the conflicts and romances among the warriors who sacked ancient Rome and 20th century spooky teens, set in a shopping mall in a Los Angeles suburb in 1996.

Dead Friend

Dead Friend a Game of Necromancy, is a roleplaying game for a necromancer and a ghost.

In this collaborative storytelling game for two players, you will each play the role of a friend, one living and one dead. You will ask and answer questions to develop the characters, their community, their history together, and the motivations leading up to their final conflict.

Not only that but we're getting an exclusive cover by If I Were a Lich, Man artist Ezra Rose (to be revealed)!

What's Coming Down the Pipeline:

Big Bads are being unleashed on Kickstarter March 21st!


Big Bads is a two-volume collection of the biggest, baddest content for 5e!

Open the Big Book of Big Bads to find over 25 thrilling villains, complete with their backstories, tactics, minions, and more. Drop these boss monsters into a one-shot or ongoing adventure, or join the Big Bad Bureau to craft an entire campaign around them.

The second book, Creatures and Curios, is a bestiary and magic item compendium packed with over 100 stunningly illustrated monsters and treasures!

Sign up to be notified when it launches March 21st!


Have questions? Reach out!

Leave a comment or e-mail us at [email protected]!

Thanks again, everyone - We can’t wait to get If I Were A Lich, Man into your hands!

Hit Point Press

Luminary Grant Stretch Goal has been UNLOCKED!
almost 2 years ago – Mon, Feb 27, 2023 at 10:57:57 AM

 $50K Luminary Grant Stretch Goal has been UNLOCKED!

The campaign reached $50K over the weekend, unlocking the Luminary Grant stretch goal! we're so excited to kick off this endeavour to support indie TTRPG creators.

Luminary Grant
Art by Eleonor Piteira

What is the Luminary Grant?

The Luminary TTRPG Grant is a program to fund new independent tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs). We hope to encourage creativity within the TTRPG space and help creators bring their ideas to life.

Now that we've reached our stretch goal, we will commit 5% (starting at $2,500) of the total campaign funds of If I Were A Lich, Man to go towards developing the grant, which will provide funds to creators to build new and creative tabletop roleplaying (TTRPG) projects.

Successful applicants will receive between $100 and $500 to put towards the completion of their project.

How do I apply for the grant?

Great question - applications are now open for the Luminary Grant!

We are most interested in projects that offer a players a memorable experience, be that through exciting mechanics, facilitating a unique story, or exploring a theme or topic from a new perspective. We especially welcome applications from BIPOC creators, queer and trans creators, disabled creators, and creators from the global south.

To learn more about eligibility and to apply, click here!

If I Were A Lich, Man is FUNDED! New Patches, Luminary Grant & more!
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Feb 22, 2023 at 09:33:24 AM

We funded!

Aaaaand FUNDED!

We're blown away by the first day of this campaign! Lucian and Ezra are kvelling over your support — and have you ever seen a goth kvell?


JUST ADDED - Fanged Star of David Patches!

You asked, and we delivered... TWO sizes of embroidered patches of the fanged Star of David artwork by Ezra Rose! The patches are available as add-ons to any pledge tier - so fill your boots!

Details: Chenille Patch with a die-cut border and iron on backing. Available in 2 sizes.  Jacket not included.

You can add these to your pledge in Kickstarter (under "Manage your pledge") or when we send the surveys in Backerkit :)


$50K Stretch Goal: Luminary TTRPG Grant 

The Luminary Grant

If this campaign reaches $50K, we'll hit the Luminary TTRPG Grant stretch goal! 

The Luminary TTRPG Grant is a program to fund new independent zines. We hope to encourage creativity within the TTRPG space and help creators bring their ideas to life. If we reach our stretch funding goal, we’ll be able to implement the program and start accepting applications. Successful applicants will receive between $100 and $500 to put towards the completion of their project.


Project We Love:



the_bookmarked lets players wield books off their shelf as if they were spellbooks!

Of all the books on all the shelves in all the libraries of this planet, which ones will scavengers of the future uncover? The passing of an eon can make a sacred tome out of even the most mundane pamphlet, bearing secrets of practices long forgotten.

Pick up the closest book within your reach. What would it mean if this, this thing in your hands, was all we had to remember the past and influence the present?

The campaign ends Friday - check it out!